"How did you live the past 15 years? Why would God give you another 15?"
When King Hezekiah became ill, he prayed to God and the Lord gave him another 15 years to live. At that point he knew where he was going, he was certainly bound for heaven. However, he asked God for more years to continue living out the purpose of his life. Previously we covered the first two of the five purposes of God for our lives. God wants us to center our lives around Him and He wants us to learn to love His family, the church. Thirdly, God wants us to cultivate spiritual maturity. God also wants us to contribute something back and finally, God wants us to tell others about His love. The good news is that, you don’t have to do all these by yourself. As part of the Lord’s family, we will do them together, because together is always better. Hear more of it here.