There is a saying that goes, "you are one in a million!". But let me make that a bit more accurate, "you are one in eight billion!". God intentionally created us to be unique. Nobody looks exactly like you. When we are around people, do we focus on what we have in common? Or we distance ourselves based on differences? In the beginning of humanity there was perfect unity among mankind and God. Sin fractured that unity and the hurts, habits and hang-ups caused by disunity affects relationships. If you are married you could outright relate to what I just said. It is not just between husbands and wives, even relationships towards your children, friends, co-workers, church members, neighbors and with other people in general are affected by those hurts, habits and hang ups. Part of our journey towards unity is making amends. Apostle Paul said that Recovery is an issue of showing love to everyone. But how do we love people that are different from us? Well, you can begin with these three Things. First of all, Listen to them. Secondly, Look at them, pay attention, and thirdly, learn from them. Hear more if it here!
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