We’re still on our series on... “Values that Last". For the past few Sundays we’re gleaning on Biblical principles on how we must live our lives by God’s values and not by the world’s pressures. Many people are still living by values that are at odds with God’s values and the results are definitely conclusive! They are trapped in a vicious cycle that if they do not breakthrough out of it, they’ll never determine what truly matters in life. Last Sunday we heard that the time-proven source of “Values that Last” is not money, it's not the people around us, and not even the culture we’re living in.. the ultimate and only source of "Values that Last" is the Bible. When you live on God’s values, you don’t have to do it by yourself.. God will help you. How to keep your cool?.. God will help you!. How to live a Balanced life?.. God will help you! How to Respect even those who do not respect you?.. God will help you! How to Forgive the Unforgivable?... God will help you!... It is a fact of life that you’ll gonna be hurt. You’ll be hurt by what people say and do to you. And then you begin to ponder on the question...Why in the world should I forgive anybody who hurts me? Not unless you know why, the “how” could be very difficult. I always say that in anything, as long as you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, the answer to “how to do it?” will follow along. So, why in the world should you forgive the people who hurt you?...What is the true meaning of forgiveness according to the Bible?... How to Forgive the unforgivable?... and how will you know if you have forgiven the person that greatly offended you?... First of all, we must Recognize that we are all imperfect. We need to Relinquish our right to get even. We should Respond to evil with good, and we have to Refocus on God's purpose for our lives. Do yourself a favor, listen to this sermon and start learning how to forgive, and live not just a healthy, but also a happy life. ☝️😇 Hear more of it here!
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